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by Kidovo


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Your kid's favorite content, more interactive!


We bring your child's favorite content and make it super interactive, your kids can watch content from their favorite creators - Scishow Kids, The Kiboomers, Lingo Kids, Super Greek Heroes, etc but with education.Completely free for the next couple of months!


Interactive video content designed for kids aged 2 to 6 years


Kids love attention, Kidovo loves kids


Healthier Screentime

Enables encouraging kids to actively participate and learn through play with the content and characters they are watching rather than staring like a Zombie.


Promoting Individuality

Believes in natural pace of growth of kids, hence providing individual attention to each kid and curated content.


Cent percent Kid safe

The content is approved by professional educators and absolutely age appropriate kid-safe and well adhered to COPPA.


Curiosity quest

Satisfying kid's curiosity is a tough nut to crack!

With Kidovo's unlimited content, which is always being replenished, we promote the kid's quest to new discoveries with their favorite characters.


Be part of the journey

The world is amazing. Children learn every day. At Kidovo you see new words and concepts your children learnt. Replay them back and share these moments with your loved ones too.


Creativity and self-expression

Looking for a fun and easy way to keep your kids entertained? With Kidovo, you can color objects in a video, making it the perfect activity for rainy days or long car rides. Plus, with our huge selection of colors, your kids will never get bored!


Curated by educators, trusted by parents

Active participation of kids

Online content is more or less passive and gets dull after sometime, Kidovo replenishes them with fun activities & games to make it more immersive as well as interesting.


Hassle free

Single subscription, multiple devices. Both the parents can login from their devices as per their time and convenience & simultaneously.


Play, not just watch

How about seeing your kid playing along with kidovo and not sit inactively with a phone in their hands? Our app's built in cartoon characters engage kids into different activities like singing, dancing or maybe some yoga too!


Independent Learning

Children do require guidance, but Kidovo believes in building independent learning skills such as informed learning, learning by their own actions. Dive into plethora of topics with Ovo: Maths, Science, English, Art, History, ABCs, Numbers, Number lines, Counting, Bedtime stories, Coloring, Phonics


Your kid's favorite characters

Children love to know more and more and hence that many questions, Kidovo is ready with your kid's favorite characters to explore their interests. Say goodbye to passive & addictive screen time & give your kids the magic of active & interactive screentime with Kidovo!