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CPU Hardware and System Info

CPU Hardware and System Info

by SS Mobiles Apps


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CPU Hardware and System Info
CPU Hardware and System Info
CPU Hardware and System Info
CPU Hardware and System Info
CPU Hardware and System Info
CPU Hardware and System Info gives you all the information about hardware and system of your device (smartphone or tablet) inside an elegant Material Design interface. Information and data are grouped around 13 tabs : - System giving you all information on your system like name, model, manufacturer, board, bootloader, kernel architecture or still OS version name. - Soc giving you information about your chipset like code, manufacturer name or your GPU. But also dynamic data like CPU Min / Max, CPU Clock Speed, CPU Temperature, Cores, Active Cores, CPU Load for each core. It lets your to monitor your CPU activity. - Memory with details of internal and external memory - RAM with details on total RAM, used RAM and free RAM - Screen with screen size, resolution, density, refresh rate (fps) or still brightness - Battery with battery health, level, power source, status, technology, temperature or voltage - Thermal info from CPU, Battery and Ambient Air Sensor - Sensors listing all you device's sensors and showing their values in real time - Cameras listing all you cameras with for each of them max resolution and supported resolutions - Mobile that presents your all information about your smartphone like Device ID (IMEI for GSM), Device Type, Network Operator, Signal Strength, SIM Serial Number or still phone activity - Network showing you your connection type, Wi-Fi signal strength, IP Local and External, MAC Address, SSID and connection speed - Bluetooth showing details like device name Bluetooth address - Location showing location is enabled, location sensor type used and also your last position (latitude / longitude) All dynamic data of CPU Hardware and System Info are refreshed automatically to let you monitor your system and your hardware easily and quickly.