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Play, Cat, Play

Play, Cat, Play

by Tuxedo Cat Games


Our Rating

Play, Cat, Play
Play, Cat, Play
Play, Cat, Play
Play, Cat, Play
Play, Cat, Play

This is a tablet game for your cat! I know there are a few out there already, but this one has a few unique qualities that both you, and your cat, are sure to enjoy.

*No score! Cats don't keep score, they just want to play!
*No in-app purchases! You get the WHOLE game (all 4 modes) for one very low price!
*No advertisements! Advertisements for cats?!?! How ridiculous!
*No malware! I can't believe I even have to say this!
*Full screen, immersive play so your cat can't leave the game on you!

So, on with the game! There are four modes for your kitty to enjoy:

Mouse Chase - Watch the mouse run in-and-out of its holes!
Whack-A-Mole - See if your cat is fast enough to bop the mole!
Laser Pointer - A classic crowd pleaser!
Bell-Toy - A feathered toy with jingly bells on the end of it!

This game is rated E for Every Cat!!

If you and your feline friends enjoy this game, please rate and review it!