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Marine Music Player

Marine Music Player

by AndroidRockers


Our Rating

Marine Music Player
Marine Music Player
Marine Music Player
Marine Music Player
Marine Music Player
Marine Music Player
Marine Music Player
Marine Music Player (Beta) Simple is the new Smart. Marine Music Player is a new and innovative and revolutionary app which is currently in beta and continuously in development One of the most beautiful and powerful material design music for Android! This app is one of the most powerful yet simple and surprisingly faster than other apps. Beautiful skins to make your music player look more outstanding, and these also make your music player get the next level experience. Material design music is evolving, please try it and tell your opinion to make it grow together. Currently it has following Features:- 1)Best Material design music player 1)Browse and play your music by albums, artists, genres, songs, playlists recents and folders. 2)Create and Edit Playlist 3)Scrobbling support via scrobble droid and simple last.fm 4)embedded lyrics support 5)lyric support via third party plugin 6)7 band Equalizer 7)Preset and bass boost support 8)lockscreen support for 4.0+ 9)3 home screen WIDGETS (4x2,4x2,4x1). 10)Use album art color (a unique feature try it) 11) Notification STATUS support: display album artwork, title and artist, play/pause, skip forward and stop controls in notification status. 12) Headset/Bluetooth Controls 13) display cool transparency effect when playing 14) artist art and genre art are made from combination of album and songs art . 15) (Coming soon)SHAKE IT feature: give your phone a shake to play next/previous song 16) Gorgeous background skins, cool transparency effect for beautiful experience 17) Headset support. Support one button and multiple buttons headsets. Leave your device in the pocket! 18) Music Library with SEARCH. Find all your music never been so easy. 19)gapless playback support 20)programmable sleep timer 21)Editing Tags 22)Many Theme 23)Ability to Customize Every aspect of app 24)use album art color in playing view 25) 6 theme color 26)light and dark theme 27)card view support 28)consume as little as 10MB of RAM.(Only service RAM is 10 mb) 29)crop album art 30)many sorting modes 31)support for lst and grid views 32)pause album art loading for smooth scrolling. Planned Functions IN Future Updates:- 1) Scrobbling via last.fm official app 2)Lyrics Finder 3)Auto Missing Album Art Downloader 4)export playlist and many more For any issues ,please drop us a mail instead of giving 1 star.