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You or a monkey

You or a monkey

by NH App


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You or a monkey
You or a monkey
You or a monkey
You or a monkey
You or a monkey
Check who has better memory, YOU OR A MONKEY ☺ You can see Monkey's results on this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPiDHXtM0VA And what are yours results?? ☺ How to play: - on the screen are displayed 5 numbers, or as much as you selected it in the menu under category RANGE - in a few moments are on this places displayed rectangles. You can control the time of showing numbers by changing DIFFICULTY in the menu - your goal is to click on rectangles (which are covering numbers) in order from 1 to (for example) 5 - to compare your score with monkey's you have to play 10 games, each game is started by clicking white circle We can escalate game difficulty by increasing range or difficulty. After few played rounds you can notice your progress ☺