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Shoot Angry Zombies

Shoot Angry Zombies

by Freak X


Our Rating

Shoot Angry Zombies
Shoot Angry Zombies
Shoot Angry Zombies
Shoot Angry Zombies
Shoot Angry Zombies
Freak X Apps is back with a refresh version of "Cowboy Shoot Zombies".With Cool features and changes in game play "Shoot Angry Zombies" is more addictive now. Graphics and sounds are enhanced this time as well game too. Touch on jump to make the player jump and fire to shoot incoming angry zombies WHAT'S NEW THIS TIME Two Player This time there is cowgirl also with cowboy to shoot angry Zombies. Enemies 4 Types Of angry zombies with cool animations. Levels There are four levels for now and more coming soon.Each level has different background layers. Game Play Game Play is more addictive as the game speed increases gradually to make it more interesting. So lets start shooting all incoming angry zombies