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QTorrent Search Engine

QTorrent Search Engine

by B.L.N


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QTorrent Search Engine
QTorrent Search Engine
QTorrent Search Engine
QTorrent Search Engine

✔ Easy to search and find torrents ✔ Filter search by categories ✔ Material Design UI ✔ Smart Search Feature that predicts what you want to search for.

QTorrent Search Engine is a torrent search app that lets you find torrent magnet links quickly and easy downloads with one click magnet link capture to any torrent client installed. This app bypasses any torrent restrictions in your colleges, offices or internet service providers. Through this qtorrent search app, you can browse recent torrents as well as torrents from various categories like free movies, free games, free applications, free songs, etc. This is only a qtorrent search application which acts as a torrent magnet search engine, you will require a torrent client to download torrent files.