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Lover Calendar

Lover Calendar

by Wauoo


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Lover Calendar
Lover Calendar
Lover Calendar
Lover Calendar
Lover Calendar
Keep every happy moment with your partner for better interaction. Keep every memorable event and emotion for better understanding of yourself. Love calendar is a life-log for couples to keep their events and label each of the events their emotion. You can create individual calendars for each of your lover. They can be read or calculated altogether or separately. Features: • Each lover belongs to one calendar. • Non-specific events can be taken down in Mood Calendar. • Each event can be labeled such emotion as happiness, anger, and sadness. Each emotion is graded into five levels. • Individual calendar can be read altogether or separately. • You can understand yourself through the calendars. • You can grasp lovers’ influence on your emotion through the calendars. • You can create better interaction with your lover by reviewing the interaction kept in the calendar.