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Industrial calculator

Industrial calculator

by AS solution


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Industrial calculator

Industrial calculator helps you in your daily routine calculations like calculate building materials, pipe fitting dimensions or tank’s volume.
Industrial calculator is providing unexpendable assistant during industrial calculations.
Small list of our industrial calculator features:
Concrete calculator – helps you to calculate slab, steps, column and footing type of concrete volume, mixer, and weight and costing. It also helps you to find out brick’s quantity and cost in a wall.
Metal Weight and Length calculator – helps you to calculate weight and length of 20+ metals in 11 different types of shapes. Saved and share option of the calculation for future references
Tank Volume calculator – helps you to calculate vertical, horizontal, elliptical and rectangle type of tank volume. Tank volume can be converted into m ³, liter, U.K Gallon, U.S Gallon or BBL. Tank type is further divided into torispherical head, conical bottom, flat bottom, Elliptical head and Hemispherical head.
Fasteners dimension calculator – helps you to calculate the dimension of the bolt, nut, pin and washer in ASTM, ISO, JIS, and DIN standard.
Bolt is further divided into Countersunk, Hex Head, Hex Head Flange, Button Head, Set Screw, Socket Head and Square Head.
The nut is further divided into Cap Nut, Hex Nut, Hex Flange, Hex Slotted, Square Nut and Wing Nut.
Pin is further divided into Pins, Clevis Pin, Cylindrical, and Taper.
The washer is further divided into Washer, Plain Washer, Spring Washer, Taper Washer and Square Washer.