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Ancient Games

Ancient Games

by Deertwig Studio


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Ancient Games
Ancient Games
Ancient Games
Ancient Games

We are trying to bring that excellent game back to the modern world which have been played by our Kings, Queens and ancestors. Isto is one of those games which is available in this game now. This game is often misunderstood as Indian Ludo Game. 

Among the several board games, Isto is played in most of the Indian regions with different names as Isto, Chauka Bara, Ashta Chamma, Katte Mane, Gatta Mane, Chakaara, Pakidakali, Daayam, Atthu, Kavidi Kali, Chung, Kach Kangri, Kaangi chaala, Changa po.

This game was played by Kaudi or sea shells in English in ancient times and also people don’t use to have a specific board to play. They usually drew lines on ground to play. Keeping these things in mind and Ancient Indian people’s lifestyle, we have come up with similar authentic look to give modern people the natural feel of this ancient game. The authentic & aesthetic look of the game, make it unique from other similar board games.


• You can play with AI player i.e. “vs Computer” mode or play locally with your friends & family i.e. “Local” mode.
• There are 2 player, 3 player and 4 player choices to select from.
• You can pick up your favourite colour for player coins or pawns from four given choices; Yellow, Green, Red & Blue.
• Authentic looks.
• Serene Ambience music.
• Designed as per ancient playing methods & lifestyle.


• Each player moves in anti-clockwise direction with a fixed path towards its goal.
• The rules are simple. You have to send all your coins to the goal before your opponents same like other board games.
• You can kill opponent’s coin by stepping on the same tile as your opponent’s. The killed coin has to start all over again.
• You should only count shells which are upside down except for 8.
• There are no 5, 6, and 7 step moves in this game, only 1, 2, 3, 4 & 8 are valid.
• You cannot move out your coin till you get 4 or 8. Also 4 & 8 gives the player an additional turn.
• The boxes with “X” mark are safe zones. No one can kill and get killed on these zones.

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* Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5gbzI6vGWqAiPxctSGbbwA