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word of the day

word of the day

by MojaAPPS


Our Rating

word of the day
word of the day
word of the day
word of the day
word of the day
word of the day
Sometimes we're flooded with so much information that we don't have time to absorb it all. Transparent Language's Word of the Day gives you 24 hours to meditate on a single word. Read it, hear it, see a sample sentence, and grow your vocabulary – one word at a time. Introduces 12 languages : Arabic ★ Chinese ★ French ★ German Hebrew ★ Hindi ★ Japanese ★ Italian Korean ★ Russian ★ Spanish ★ Turkish when a new word become ready, the app will make a notification so you would see it the new words will be stored so you return to the words later in your suitable time easy app no complex buttons and it's free !