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Titan Run and Jump

Titan Run and Jump

by Next Level Game Studio


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Titan Run and Jump
Titan Run and Jump
Titan Run and Jump
Titan Run and Jump
Titan Run and Jump
Titan Run and Jump
In City Run, the player is the Titan Run, small town Warrior, destined to prove to society and family that it can be faster, stronger and with a greater leap to any other warrior who already was part of the big event, and which takes place from 10 to 10 years, he is also aimed at increasing its vitality during the big race, it happens when he gets the point of titanic stone, for this he must go through 10 stages where at the end of each stage there is a stone Titanica, the results from each phase it will come across various obstacles, and also to collect precious item, and some may give you powerup, it should have a good time at each stage.