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TapnBuild 2 - Tower Clicker

TapnBuild 2 - Tower Clicker

by Risto Prins


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TapnBuild 2 - Tower Clicker
TapnBuild 2 - Tower Clicker
TapnBuild 2 - Tower Clicker
TapnBuild 2 - Tower Clicker
TapnBuild 2 - Tower Clicker
TapnBuild 2 - Tower Clicker

Just added Multiplayer ... and it's Awesome.
Have you ever seen a "Tower Defense / Clicker game" ? Here's one for you.
" Tap to Gather " resources and use these resources, to " Build a Mighty Castle ".
" Hire " workers, who save your fingers and make gathering resources a lot faster.
Build " Defensive Turrets " and " Upgrade " them, to defend your "Kingdom" !
Send " Minions " to attack your opponents and make you " Victorious ".

The story of TapnBuild series :

TapnBuild 2 - Tower Clicker is an Idle / Clicker / Tower Defense game.

Gather resources: 

Click on the Cave / Mine to gather mineable resources.
Click on the Forest on the right to gather wood.
Click on the River to gather water.
After buying more advanced tools,you are also able to gather :
Stone , Iron , Gold and eventually Diamonds.

Buy and Upgrade your Tools:

Buying more advanced tools makes gathering resources faster.
Some tools unlock abilities to mine certain resources.
Unlock abilities to gather more valuable metals and eventually diamonds.
* There is a chance in each Pick to yield unlocked resources *

Buy Items:

When gathering resources gets exhausting,
hire people from the Items menu.
People provide a certain amount of resource each second.
* They gather resources for you *

Build your Castle:

Building the castle is not as easy as just tap and build,tap and build...
You actually have to buy new tools and upgrade them.To make things easier,it's also a good idea,to buy items,since each item provides certain amount of resource per second.
Each level of Castle built,unlocks ability to buy more advanced Tools and Items.
Building the Castle is essential part of evolving in TapnBuild.

Build Defensive Turrets:

Build Castle, and Turret Bases, to add Turrets. All turrets have their strengths and weaknesses. All turrets can be upgraded several times.


After building your first level of Castle, you are able to "Attack" your opponents by sending waves of Minions at them.There are tons of different minions to be unlocked, by leveling up.


"Doubletap" :
Gather twice as much resources, by tapping (limited time).
"TurretCharge" :
All turrets attack faster and minions move faster. Perfect for attacking your opponent quickly.


Can you get all of them?
There are a number of achievements in this game.It might take some time,to get all of them,but it's mostly about the journey.


Let everyone know, how skillful and experienced you are.Compete with your friends and see who is the best.

You might not be alone in TapnBuild :

You might not be the only one gathering resources in there . 
Let's just hope ,their friendly.


"I like clicker games a lot.So I made my own version of a clicker game...second one"

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