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Snippets - Source Code Repository

Snippets - Source Code Repository

by Vittorio Pellegrino


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Snippets - Source Code Repository
Snippets - Source Code Repository
Snippets - Source Code Repository
Snippets - Source Code Repository
Snippets - Source Code Repository

Snippets makes it easy to manage all of your valuable source code fragments in one place, ordered by categories and tags. Is the perfect companion for the most popular applications for developers available in the App Store; was created by developer like you, with a great user interface and packed with features you will not find in any other app.

Mark your snippet as favourite to enable fast access to frequently used codes. 
Share it with your friends or colleagues in JSON, XML and Plain Text or syncs all your library on Dropbox.

Protect your work by enabling access via fingerprint.

Snippets features syntax highlighting with more than 40 available languages and a lot of themes. Choose the color scheme you prefer.

Snippets is a universal app.