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Custom Stamps Time and Date on Photo: Moment Stamp

Custom Stamps Time and Date on Photo: Moment Stamp

by Greencom Ebizzinfotech


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Custom Stamps Time and Date on Photo: Moment Stamp
Custom Stamps Time and Date on Photo: Moment Stamp
Custom Stamps Time and Date on Photo: Moment Stamp
Custom Stamps Time and Date on Photo: Moment Stamp
Custom Stamps Time and Date on Photo: Moment Stamp
Custom Stamps Time and Date on Photo: Moment Stamp
Custom Stamps Time and Date on Photo: Moment Stamp
Custom Stamps Time and Date on Photo: Moment Stamp

 Date and Time Camera App, you can instantly add custom Stamps to camera images and gallery photos! Capture all the precious moments around you and live them forever with time and date stamp. So that, when you look back to the memories after a few years from now, they won’t fade away!

 Get mind-boggling moment stamp templates
Camera with Date and Time Stamp Image
Automatically Watermark Photos Free with DateTime
 This is a kind of Auto Stamping App!

It allows you to add personalized stamps to your photos at the very time. Bring your photos to life and don’t just let those special moments go with time.

?? Custom Format to Time Stamp Photos

Now, you can choose a time format in the way that you want it to display on your favorite picture.
12 hours format
24 hours format

 Custom Date Format

Easily arrange the new datetime format as you want to add date stamp to photos.

That’s simple! Isn’t it? So, install Moment Stamp Picture Application to check out all those amazing templates NOW!

And see the amazing difference between the images you capture simply to those images that you capture with our time and date stamp camera.

Want to see how your images will look? Have a look at a set of images above!