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Clean & Cooler Master

Clean & Cooler Master

by Ufuk Şahin


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Clean & Cooler Master
Clean & Cooler Master
Clean & Cooler Master
Clean & Cooler Master
Clean & Cooler Master

Features also found in our application.

*RAM Cleaner
*Virus Cleaner
*Phone Cooler
*Unnecessary Files wiper
*Full Device Domination
*Accessing Device Information
*Follow Your Notification Device
*Show phone temperature
*Get RAM information.
*Battery Saver

With Clean & Cooler Master Application which is fast, simple and convenient, you can do daily maintenance of your device, clean out any more files in your device and stop the application which slows down your device, slows down and consumes unnecessary RAM.

As time goes on, the devices start to slow down and warm up.
That's why your device occupies RAM space and covers unnecessary space.

This is undoubtedly the case with every device, so here's your help. Clean & Cooler Master, which is a phone maintenance and repair specialist, keeps your device cool, unnecessary files erases, and runs.

With our application, you can access all of your hard-to-reach information on your device, access information such as CPU vendor, CPU serial number, Full Version name of the device and know your device.

Many viruses in your device are detected and allow you to delete, delete viruses with Antivirus feature!

Moreover, you can learn free RAM and device temperature instantly from the notification section of your device.

The application absolutely does not delete important files and folders. Never third-party information.